March’s LAMIK Lady: Karissa

Meet Karissa Rendon, LAMIK’s very own Creative Director and our first staff feature! We’re incredibly proud of every one of the women behind LAMIK, and are excited for you to love Karissa as much as we do.
LAMIK: How were you introduced to LAMIK? What about the company captivates you?
Karissa: I’ve known of Kim Roxie as a makeup artist and brow guru for years. In 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, I started offering social media and photography services after being furloughed from my job. Kim reached out and was like, “I didn’t know you were doing this!” The fit was so natural though. I love LAMIK’s mission to change the standard of beauty. We’re building a brand that is so welcoming and inclusive of women of so many backgrounds. LAMIK feels like home.
LAMIK: What is your role with LAMIK? What is your favorite part about being on the LAMIK team?
Karissa: We’re still in the startup phase, so I wear a lot of hats! But my role is

Creative Director and Marketing Manager. I run our social media, create content including photography, and I manage our email and text message marketing. My favorite part of being on the LAMIK team is being surrounded by supportive, talented, and driven women. I’m a new mom, and I can’t imagine working with a more supportive team. At the same time, I’ve also been given incredible opportunities to grow creatively and professionally.
LAMIK: What is your favorite product of LAMIK’s? Can you share how it has changed your beauty routine/self-image/health?
Karissa: It’s hard to choose a favorite product! I love the blush because it’s so pigmented. I have a deeper complexion, and a lot of times blushes just don’t make an impact on my face. I also just got my first Custom Blend Foundation and it’s been a game-changer. Overall, since joining LAMIK, I’m way more conscious of what’s in my makeup and I expect more from clean brands than I did before.
LAMIK: What does beauty mean to you? How does LAMIK help you uncover your beauty?
Karissa: Beauty is embracing every part of yourself that makes you! I think it’s also embracing that your flaws aren’t singular to you either – that’s a part of collective beauty I’d call it. When I was a teenager, I was so insecure about the hyperpigmentation on my face. Then I realized so many beautiful women experience the same thing. When I stopped looking at my flaws as something ugly and out of the ordinary, and started to see them as just part of my beauty, I was finally able to embrace the good and the bad, and see myself as beautiful.

LAMIK: What is your favorite memory with the LAMIK team?
Karissa: At the end of 2020, Kim hosted a retreat for the staff and it was epic. We set vision for 2021 and we started the rebranding process. It was such a fun, beautiful, and productive time together that I’ll cherish forever!
Find Karissa on Instagram at @karissarochelle